Monkey Palooza!

January 12, 2013 in Asia, Belize, Guatemala, Inspiration, Malaysia, North America, Thailand, Travelogue

Family Travel

We’ve been talking a lot about our monkey experiences this month.

The kids have been laughing and retelling a lot of great experiences over our travels. We thought that some of the kids that follow us might be interested in a post with all of our monkey adventures in one place!

And so, we present: Monkey Palooza!!  Enjoy!

Howler monkeys in the jungles around Tikal, Guatemala

Community Baboon Sanctuary- Belize  

Baboon Sanctuary Movie!

Gibbon Sanctuary- Thailand

Semenggoh Wildlife Sanctuary & Orang Utans- Malaysia

Sepilok Wildlife Sanctuary-more Orang Utans- Malaysia

Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary-Malaysia

Silvery Lutung Monkeys- Malaysia

Orang Utan Video