At the pool with the Pooles

May 9, 2008 in England, Europe, Travelogue

< ![CDATA[  A lovely two days in the Royal Berkshires]]>

The Tower of London…thank you Ian Campbell!

May 9, 2008 in England, Europe, Travelogue

< ![CDATA[  Thank's to Ian's sponsorship we visited the Bloody Tower, the White Tower and the Crown Jewels... a very memorable day for all of us.]]>

Miller Kids, Miller Kids, Where have you been? We’ve been to London to visit the Queen!

May 7, 2008 in England, Europe, Travelogue

< ![CDATA[  A weeks worth of touring London, England]]>


May 4, 2008 in England, Europe, Travelogue

< ![CDATA[  Many more pictures available at our web gallery.]]>

The Slough and Despond

May 3, 2008 in England, Europe, Travelogue

< ![CDATA[  Our first day of riding on the trip]]>


May 2, 2008 in England, Europe, Travelogue

< ![CDATA[  The first 48 hours... we're on the ground!]]>