Notes from Nowhere PA: On a 12 hour road trip with teens

April 24, 2015 in North America, Travelogue, United States

We are a combined  35 feet, 4 inches of body length, give or take. As family length goes, that’s hovering somewhere above average. This morning, that 35 feet, 4 inches is […]

Gabe Turns 17: Of Course. Obviously.

April 21, 2015 in North America, Travelogue, United States

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who lived at my house who wore nothing but a skunk skin hat (it was made of rabbit fur, really) and […]

Adventures in the Air: United flight 1429 from Guatemala City to Newark “Liberty” International, October 19, 2014

October 20, 2014 in Guatemala, North America, Travelogue, United States

I’ve been on a lot of flights. I used to travel for my work, so have seen better than the average person’s share of the inside of an airplane. Several […]

On beach birds, and stories, and analog life… and also a poem

October 3, 2014 in North America, United States

I wish I knew what those birds are… the ones signing in the palm tree beneath the balcony that sound like a trio of little kids who are experimenting with […]

Back to school in Indiana & why I can’t write

September 10, 2014 in Education, Travelogue, United States

Can I make a confession? It’s hard for me to write in the mid-west.  There are several reasons for this, not the least of which is that we go from […]

The American West: Big trees, big rocks, big holes, little thoughts

August 31, 2014 in North America, Travelogue, United States

In the American west I remember how big the world is. How insignificant I am on her skin. What a blip on the radar of geologic time humanity is. How […]

San Francisco: On friends, poetry & breaking and entering (among other things!)

August 21, 2014 in North America, Travelogue, United States

Our little apartment is not in a great part of town. We’re upstairs from a hispanic daycare that seems to be closed for the summer and sandwiched between a dental […]

On redwoods & rope swings: Northern California

August 16, 2014 in North America, Travelogue, United States

Waking in a tent is a womb-like experience. Or perhaps more like that of metamorphosis, in which I am protected from the outer world by a thin veil and the […]

My 40th birthday: On happiness & rebirth

August 7, 2014 in North America, Travelogue, United States

Today I awoke in a house full of love. A house filled with friends and family, in the mountains of Washington, on the shore of the Hood River. A beautiful […]

Juneau, Alaska: bars, bears & bastards

July 22, 2014 in North America, United States

If traveling with small children earns a mother a gold star for bravery, then traveling with teens should earn a girl an extra life, like finding the mushroom and chasing […]