Birthday Party Giveaway! Handmade Dolls

March 12, 2013 in Birthday Party

We are so lucky to have fabulously involved and supportive families, on both sides.

I know that I write about my parents in the travel vein quite often, but the other half of our family is no less wonderful.

Tony had a pretty stationary upbringing, and from that came solid roots and a wide wheel base on which to build our mobile lives. His parents have traveled with us, and his sister has had some adventures around the USA with her kids.

Michelle is three years younger than her big brother and Mom to two kids that we love with our whole hearts. Ben is Hannah’s age and Layla is pushing 5 at the moment and is firmly on the throne as the family princess. Hannah hoped for a girl for a long time, and we couldn’t be happier with the one we got!

Michelle has always been an artist. Paint, pen, fiber, stone, precious metal, you name it, she dabbles in it. I travel with some of her jewelry (and I don’t travel with much!) Lately she’s been making these adorable little crocheted dolls that are custom crafted to resemble the kids who will play with them.

She’s giving away two of these dolls, custom made to your child’s specifics, for our birthday party. They’re sure to become heirloom treasures in your family!

a Rafflecopter giveaway