Birthday Party Giveaway: Inspiration from the Denning Family!

March 15, 2013 in Birthday Party

We forget sometimes that our life is weird.

We have the great privilege of belonging to an online community of several dozen long term traveling families who have become very much like family. Many of them we’ve met in person, but there are few that resonate more closely with our philosophy on life and family than the Dennings.

Rachel and I have been online buddies for years, since they were gearing up for their big leap to the Dominican Republic. Since then they’ve lived in India and Alaska. They are currently headed slowly for South America and the tip of the world.. We finally met, in real life, a couple of years ago in Arizona and it was fantastic. They have five kids, a few years younger than ours, they love to roadtrip, like we do, and they have an exuberance for life that is contagious. This past year they’ve been living on our beloved Lago de Atitlan in Guatemala as they work their way south in a vegetable oil powered truck. They are so fantastic.

The thing that strikes you immediately, when you meet Greg, is his zest for life. Rarely have I met a more evangelical person. He oozes enthusiasm for the things he believes in and living a life that is dream centered and passion driven is paramount among them. This man gives Zig Ziglar a run for his money. Together, Greg and Rachel are dedicated to encouraging and inspiring everyone they meet to pursue their dreams and live with passion.

I asked Rachel if they’d like to contribute their e-book “How to Create A Ridiculously Awesome Life” to our birthday giveaway, she replied that they would, but that they’d also like to add a lifetime membership to their lifestyle design academy, which is where the real nuts and bolts of living your dream takes place! It’s that spirit of giving and helping folks forward that characterizes their family.

We’re so thankful to number them among our friends.
a Rafflecopter giveaway