On Community, Magic & Love: What I learned at the drum circle

November 26, 2014 in Guatemala, North America, Travelogue

“You know what I like about you?” Tor mused, sideways at me as we watched the orange flames dance in the darkness. “You’re unusually observant. You’re always watching things. You’re […]

On Life Hacking & Remembering How To Live

November 17, 2014 in Guatemala, North America, Travelogue

Life is slow here. The days start early and somehow they seem longer than days elsewhere, even though sidewalks are rolled up by about 11 p.m. There is time for […]

On Full Moons & Mornings

November 8, 2014 in Guatemala, North America

The drums pounded late into the night. I sat on the porch in the deep darkness feeling the heat of the afternoon sun radiate back up beneath me, released from […]

Giant Kites of Sumpango: A photo essay

November 7, 2014 in Guatemala, North America, Travelogue


Imelda’s weavings: On making a difference for one family

November 5, 2014 in Guatemala, North America, Travelogue

From the moment I stepped off of the boat, I’ve been looking for her. On every walk through the village and each boat ride across the lake. I even crashed […]

The Giant Kites of Sumpango: on the power of hearts to make things fly

November 3, 2014 in Guatemala, Travelogue

“No where else in the world can you see this, ladies and gentlemen! Only here, in Sumpango, Sacatapequez, can you see kites like this! Only here, where we honor our […]

San Pedro, Guatemala: Photo Essay

October 27, 2014 in Guatemala, North America, Travelogue

San Marcos La Laguna: Good morning, from our house to yours

October 25, 2014 in Guatemala, North America

It is morning and the house is quiet. Steam, rising from my teacup, uncurls and stretches white fingers between the streaks of sunshine reaching through my dusty window. The garden […]

Adventures in the Air: United flight 1429 from Guatemala City to Newark “Liberty” International, October 19, 2014

October 20, 2014 in Guatemala, North America, Travelogue, United States

I’ve been on a lot of flights. I used to travel for my work, so have seen better than the average person’s share of the inside of an airplane. Several […]

Monkey Palooza!

January 12, 2013 in Asia, Belize, Guatemala, Inspiration, Malaysia, North America, Thailand, Travelogue

We’ve been talking a lot about our monkey experiences this month. The kids have been laughing and retelling a lot of great experiences over our travels. We thought that some […]