Peruvian Amazon Day 6: “Inconceivable!”

July 27, 2015 in Peru, South America, Travelogue

Hannah has been reading The Princess Bride aloud to the girls in the evenings. They are in love with the story and the quiet giggling is fun to listen to […]

Peruvian Amazon Day 5: Rain

July 26, 2015 in Peru, South America, Travelogue

The rain here arrives like a freight train. At first a quiet rumble and then an all out roar in the canopy before the deluge catches you like hurricane. Thunder. […]

Peruvian Amazon Day 4: Butterflies, Piranha & a Birthday

July 24, 2015 in Peru, South America, Travelogue

I sat, today, within a cloud of butterflies. Imagine confetti on New Year’s Eve or in the middle of a big Mexican fiesta.  Like that, only living butterflies of every […]

Peruvian Amazon: Day 3: The River

July 23, 2015 in Peru, South America, Travelogue

By day the river is the colour of Thai milk tea A ruddy orange mixed with sickly sweet condensed milk that swirls and flows in a glass in slow whorls […]

The Peruvian Amazon: Day 2: Purple People

July 22, 2015 in Peru, South America, Travelogue

Inotawa Lodge down the Tambopata river about an hour by boat from the jumping off point in the Infierno community, which is about 40 minutes by bumpy bus from Puerto […]

The Peruvian Amazon: Day 1: Saskia & the Sacred Tree

July 21, 2015 in South America, Travelogue

I’m sitting tonight in a deep valley near Machu Picchu… which is another story unto itself. Hannah, my mother and I have emerged after two weeks, completely off the grid, in […]