Drive By Shootings: Take A Thai Road Trip With Us

July 3, 2012 in Asia, Podcast, Thailand, Travelogue

I’m getting better at drive-by shootings

(settle down, I’m Canadian, no guns are involved!)

We’ve been on the road almost a week now in Northern Thailand. Tomorrow the road trip ends in Chiang Mai, where we’ll spend the rest of our week. So often as we drive we wish you could be here with us, see the sights, smell the smells, taste the tastes, be as “wowed!” as we are by the little things. Perhaps these pictures will allow you to hop in the car with us for a few minutes and take a tour (I warn you, it’s a tiny car, we already have one kid riding in the hatch back!)

But first, a little movie, from Hannah:

A traditional Thai house, entirely made of teak!

And also... it rained

We *almost* hit a water buffalo... not this one, he was off to the side (with about 20 of his brothers)

Gas station bathroom... toilet made by "American Standard," no kidding.


If "Hand Washing for Six" was an Olympic sport, I would medal, for sure! 😉

Our hosts sifting their rice, grown in the paddy around our cottage

Road Schooling

The men, having coffee and toasted soy beans at our coffee stop