Prince Edward Island

July 3, 2007 in Canada, North America, Travelogue

< ![CDATA[  Prince Edward Island is fraught with hills... it seemed so much flatter on our motorcycle. The ride from Cavendish across to Charlottetown was hilly at best. We stopped often to suck greedily at our camel back straws, or to snack. When we cycle, we always carry our "spare provisions" of Cliff Bars. My favorite is Carrot Cake. Tony and the kids like Chocolate Brownie. Ezra hates them with a passion, but, they were all that we had.... I broke off the smallest reasonable piece of Chocolate Brownie (the lesser of two evils in his opinion) and handed it back. It was three bites worth, at most. He gagged and whined and choked down two bites before it "accidentally" fell in the dirt. Before long we were on the road again, flying down the next big hill. All of a sudden I hear coughing behind me. "Ez, are you okay?" "Yup, but I fink I'm gonna frow up!" Oh the drama... "Okay," I say, knowing that this is his own way of punishing me for forcing down two bites of the dreaded Cliff Bar. More hacking and coughing and gagging... only louder, so I'll be sure to hear it. When the drama is ignored he pipes up, "Mama, if I hafta frow up should I lean out to the side?" "Yep!" I reply, in my most cheerful voice, "Just lean out and go for it." "Okay," he says, obviously disappointed by my lack of sympathy. What do you know, the kid didn't throw up! Next time I'll give him three bites of the Carrot Cake!]]>