Robin Hood’s Stomping Grounds

May 20, 2008 in England, Europe, Travelogue

< ![CDATA[  We rolled into Nottingham at the end of a long day with the wind in our faces. Meg's knee was hurting and we were happy to be at a stopping spot for a couple of days. We were greeted at the campsite by chickens of every variety and a sign: "Caution: Free Range Children and other animals." My kind of place. We were most happy to settle in for another very cold night. The weather has taken a turn and the days are hovering in the 50F range and the nights are just a few degrees above freezing. My big goal for this rest period is to get the "warmy duds," as we call our one set of warm clothes, clean! We took the bus into Nottingham yesterday and spent a long afternoon wandering the car free cobbled streets of the city center. Nottingham is known for its lace production as well as for Robin Hood. Of course we made a bee line for the castle and spent the first part of the day exploring the wonderful museum housed inside. The children spent a long hour playing Robin Hood in the castle gardens and we soaked up what little sunshine there was to be had for the day. Perfect. When we were ready to go the boys said, "WAIT! Ez has to die!!" And so he did. He was Robin Hood and he shot his last arrow from under a big tree. When we got to him he was laid out solemnly and scratched into the dirt, with a stick, nearby, was the following verse: "Here lies Robin Hood. Fought his whole life for the public good." Ezra played a convincing dead man, except for opening his left eye now and then to be sure we were taking in the scene properly and add a note of interpretation now and then: "Dad, I shot my arrow and this is where it landed and so they buried me here." We were happy to find internet connection and have a while to plan the next leg of our journey and get all of the e-mail written by friends and family over the last week. Today we are going back for the internet and a bit more route planning. We're also going to stop and inspect a roof that is in mid-thatch construction and explore the little village nearest us. We are hoping for a WARM and restful day!]]>