Birthday Party Giveaway: Car rental worth 250 GBP!

March 8, 2013 in Birthday Party

Family Travel

As much as we can, outside the USA and Canada, we prefer to live car free.

We take public transport, we ride buses and trains long distances, and we walk. We walk a lot. Much of the rest of the world is set up for a car free lifestyle in ways that countries full of wide open spaces are not. Occasionally, however, we like to rent a car and get off of the bus route further than we can walk.

There are lots of ways to do this. We’ve rented from local rental shops in Thailand, hired drivers and their vans to go with them in Guatemala, arranged private rentals in Indonesia and New Zealand, and more than a few times we’ve just turned up at an airport and figured it out on the ground.

Late last year we started working with a UK car rentals agency that has some of the best rates in all but the most remote places that we’ve visited. They provided a fantastic car that actually seated six the week we were in Penang, Malaysia with first world service! We’re happy to recommend them to our traveling friends. Check ‘em out the next time you need to rent a car.

They’ve generously donated a voucher worth 250 GBP as one of the bigger gifts for our birthday!

Make sure you enter, and share the link with your friends! Someone’s next adventure is about to get much cheaper!
a Rafflecopter giveaway